Sword Fighting: Applying God's Word to Win the Battle for our Mind
Do you often feel defeated and weighed down by worries and fears?
Christians have the Holy Spirit's help in all areas of life so
why do we still struggle? Understanding spiritual "sword fighting" will
help us win the battle for our mind so that we can distinguish between
Satan's lies and God's truth.
This book is written for the ordinary Christian and each
chapter contains testimonies and practical suggestions to address issues
Christians struggle with:
* Anger * Impurity
* Worry * Low self-esteem
* Fear * Discouragement and depression
* Doubt * Withstanding direct spiritual attack
* Guilt * Bitterness and resentment
Christine Dillon has applied these lessons in her own life. A
missionary since 1999, she has passed on these principles to many people
she has discipled people in both Western and non-Western contexts.
Transform your life by applying God's word to take captive the lies that repeatedly sabotage you and make you feel a failure.